Chartered Institute of Contract Project & Facility Management
Chartered Institute of Contract, Project and Facility Management is the leading examining and professional body for the contract management, project management and facility management as a profession in Africa, fully registered in Nigeria. ICPFM was approved and accredited by the Federal Ministry of Education with the Certification of the Attorney General of the Federation to award Proficiency and Professional Certificates to members of the Institute.
It was established under the Federal Government Decree N0.1 of 1990. It aims is to partner with public and private sectors at both national and International levels as a professional Institute in Contract, Project and Facility Management.
The CICPFM supports contract, project and facility management professionals in Africa. Contract, Project and Facility Management involves multi-disciplinary activities ranging from buildings maintenance, contracts management and strategic planning required efficiently managing and maintaining assets on behalf of client, owner, occupiers and investors.
The Institute seeks to develop best practice and models of excellence in all aspects of the industry for the benefit of our members and clients.
The objects for which the company is established are:-
To encourage and develop the art and science of good Contract, Project and Facilities Management as professional, in industry, academic discipline practice and distinct field of study and knowledge.
To provide facilities in interested persons and members of the institute to meet and discuss pertinent issues on Contract, Project and Facilities Management in Nigeria.
To develop the understanding of the multi-media environment Contract, Project and Facilities Management and will have learned techniques for data-based facility acquisition, relation and reclamation.
To develop skills in problem solving and management procedures, be an industry leader making significant contributions in advancing awareness of business practices and technology in Contract, Project and Facilities Management.
To introduce method of acquiring highly skilled practitioners in the policies, procedures and principles of Contract, Project and Facilities Management.
To develop leadership skills in becoming professionals in areas of Contract, Project and Facilities Management, facility acquisition, retention and reclamation.
To carry on the business of global resource organization that assist organization with improving the delivery of Contract, Project and Facilities Management, focuses on issues found in the facilities affairs, facility services Professions.
To conduct and monitor research on facility issues, identifies emerging trends, organizes forums and workshops, publishes the facilities Networking and offers satisfaction measurement programs and consulting services that can enhance facility managers loyalty.
To design methodologies for employees with information they need to know on their facilities, wants and needs, and build relationships between the company and its customers with tools that help businesses manage facilities management in an organized way.
To build a comprehensive Contract, Project and Facilities Management practice that utilizes a global network of academic and practitioner expertise across a broad spectrum of facilities management and for clients to appreciate cutting-edge solutions grounded in rigorous yet relevant thinking from high level corporate strategy to mid level management, to front line facility interface operations.
Updating members on the latest innovations and thinking processes that will take the professional disciple forward so that members are able to adopt these ideas at work and make a mark for network and contacts in the Industry.
To conduct and monitor research on Contract, Project and Facilities Management issues identifies emerging trends, organize forum and workshop and publish the Contract, Project and Facilities Management update.
To determine policies and strategies for direction to support mission to run the Institute effectively and efficiently by demonstrating good governance.